Carlos is a builder and a bridge maker; he works to include families in campus visits/events so all can see themselves as being part of a university community.


  • At Ohio State, Carlos directed the premier mentoring organization for Latines, Latinx Space for Enrichment and Research (LASER). He continues building student support networks while mentoring students across disciplines at Rice University.

  • At Ohio State, Carlos was a team leader every year at the Humanities and Cognitive Sciences summer camp, where he mentored students on how to complete research, establishing his desire to collaborate across campus disciplines/departments. Carlos now leads undergraduate mentees at Rice through advising meetings

  • Carlos actively seeks collaboration with companies, universities, and high schools to create and expand opportunity pipelines, internship opportunities

    At Ohio State, as director of LASER, Carlos worked with fortune 500 company, Cardinal Health to create dedicated internships for Latine students that upon graduation led to permanent jobs

    Is your company interested in collaboration? Reach out and let’s build pipeline opportunities for Latines and underserved students

  • Carlos teaches poetry online every year at Great Books Summer Camp, inspiring youth to tell their stories, whether in the US or China. He teaches how to take poetry from a hobby to a craft with techniques and strategies to combat writer’s block

  • At Rice, Carlos invites Latine students to provide them mentorship, whether in his class or not, a cafecito with Profe goes a long way in supporting students, in helping see they belong and can succeed

  • At Rice, Carlos taught Personal Statement Writing at the Texas Diversity Council’s Summer Camp for young high school students of color. He plans to build his own summer camp one day and would love to partner with industry and university leaders to support his community